Spread of the coronavirus

Coronavirus pandemic: numerous measures taken at Krones

We treat each other fairly and openly, take on responsibility and make decisions. All of our actions are characterised by honesty and transparency.

These words are written down in our mission statement - and they are more important than ever in times when almost the entire world is in a state of emergency. The health of our employees, customers and business partners is our top priority. At Krones, we have already defined and implemented numerous measures to safeguard this. These range from proactive restrictions on travel and visits, mandatory domestic isolation even in cases of suspicion, to numerous hygiene measures at all our locations. The primary goal is: We want to do our part to slow the spread of the infection. But maintaining the business activities of our Group and our customers is also close to our hearts.

Krones' crisis team - consisting of the Executive Board and experts - meets daily to assess the developments and effects of the corona pandemic and to respond appropriately. In this way, we aim to maintain continuity and protect the health and safety of all concerned.

We are doing everything we can to ensure that our customers can continue their business. However, we do not rule out the possibility that restrictions will be imposed on us as well. After all, the increasing requirements and regulations when travelling and shipping parts and goods also affect our day-to-day business. Nevertheless, we try - as far as it is in our power - to do everything in our power to continue to offer maximum service and support. Our worldwide network of service points helps us to remain close to our customers. We are aware that we share responsibility with our customers to ensure that they can supply consumers with packaged beverages. This is why we will be at your side as a reliable partner, especially in difficult times.


The Executive Board
